Sunday, February 28, 2010

Congrats Canada!!!

14 gold medals in the 2010 Winter Olympics.

Most gold medals in the Winter Olympics by a host country.  Most gold medals by a country in a single Winter Olympics.  Capped by an overtime win vs the US in mens hockey.  So proud to be a Canadian, born and raised.

And the best part?  I didn't hear that stupid Pepsi marketing attempt cheer once this whole Olympics... dumbest idea ever... and I'm glad it was a big FAIL... EH, O-CANADA... no...


The bestest dress code... ever!!!

(make sure u click to enlarge to see all the words on the sign)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

You'll do what???

I was directed to this by my friend Aubrey.


I love filipino accents, especially when you can use it for evil like this:

Saturday, February 13, 2010

I'm still alive...

Just been busy, thats all.

Anyways, here a sick stop motion vid entitled "Jackson vs. Bean" by Patrick Boivin.  You can see more of his work here:
and here:

Jackson vs Bean from Patrick Boivin on Vimeo.